Testing Astro components with Vitest is fairly straightforward.
Let’s look at one of the test files this site uses:
import { experimental_AstroContainer as Astro } from "astro/container"; import { expect, it } from "vitest"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; import HtmlTricks from "@components/HtmlTricks.astro"; // helper aliases to query const wdqs = (dom, sel) => dom.window.document.querySelector(sel); const wdqsa = (dom, sel) => dom.window.document.querySelectorAll(sel); // Extend tests with JSDOM object as a text fixture const theDOM = it.extend({ dom: async ({}, use) => { const container = await Astro.create(); const dom = new JSDOM(await container.renderToString(HtmlTricks)); await use(dom); }, }); function numMentions(dom, selector, text) { const elements = wdqsa(dom, selector); let n = 0; for (const elem of elements) { n += elem.textContent == text ? 1 : 0; } return n; } theDOM("explains the use of this page", async ({ dom }) => { const headline = wdqs(dom, "h1").textContent; expect(headline).toBe("HTML Tricks"); const subtitle = wdqs(dom, "aside"); expect(subtitle.textContent).toMatch( "This page contains some useful HTML tricks.", ); }); const topics = [ "Text Formatting", "Flexbox", "Grid", "Forms", "Components", "HTMX", "Cats", ]; for (const topic of topics) { theDOM(`uniquely mentions ${topic}`, async ({ dom }) => { expect(numMentions(dom, "h2", topic)).toBe(1); }); } theDOM( "flex has button that says 'Learn More about CSS Flexbox'", async ({ dom }) => { const e = wdqs(dom, "#html-tricks-flexbox > div > button"); expect(e.textContent).toBe("Learn More about CSS Flexbox"); }, ); theDOM( "flex's button makes hx-get to '/api/flex/', hx-swap 'outerHTML'", async ({ dom }) => { const e = wdqs(dom, "#html-tricks-flexbox > div > button"); expect(e.getAttribute("hx-get")).toBe("/api/flex/"); expect(e.getAttribute("hx-swap")).toBe("outerHTML"); }, ); theDOM( "grid has button that says 'Learn More about CSS Grid'", async ({ dom }) => { const e = wdqs(dom, "#html-tricks-grid > div > button"); expect(e.textContent).toBe("Learn More about CSS Grid"); }, ); theDOM( "grid's button makes hx-get to '/api/grid', hx-swap 'outerHTML'", async ({ dom }) => { const e = wdqs(dom, "#html-tricks-grid > div > button"); expect(e.getAttribute("hx-get")).toBe("/api/grid/"); expect(e.getAttribute("hx-swap")).toBe("outerHTML"); }, ); theDOM( "should contain at least 3 images of cats, including with alt text", async ({ dom }) => { const imgs = wdqsa(dom, "img"); let n = 0; for (const img of imgs) { const hasCats = ( img.alt.includes("cat") || img.alt.includes("kitten" ); n += hasCats ? 1 : 0; } expect(n).toBeGreaterThan(2); }, );